Friday Five

1. What was the first band you saw in concert?

Save Ferris at Santa Clara University in spring 2000. 300 people in one small room, and I ended up sitting on the horn section's monitors to avoid getting stepped on.

2. Who is your favorite artist/band now?

You don't know how hard a question that is. Right now, the album I play the most is by Evanescence. But my other favorites include Save Ferris (who broke up recently) and Dance Hall Crashers.

3. What's your favorite song?

"Mistaken" by Save Ferris. I find the lyrics often pertain to my life, e.g. "You said that you would never leave/A lie you told and I believed..." You get the idea.

4. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?

Guitar. I can kinda play, but I'd like to really be able to play (like solos and fast-changing fancy chords).

5. If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?

I don't think I'd want to. We form our own ideas about these people we've never met, and perhaps I don't want to be disillusioned by meeting the real person. That, and I can't think of anyone I really want to meet.

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