Friday Five

1. Who is your favorite celebrity?

Favorite, how? I like Alexis Denisof on "Angel," but I haven't seen him in anything else. I've seen many Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn films. I think Danny Kaye is hi-larious.

2. Who is your least favorite?

Well, I can't stand Keanu Reeves or Leonardo DiCaprio's acting (I use the term loosely), but I don't hold it against them, personally. I just don't think I'm well-read enough on that whole celebrity trash thing.

3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life?

I crossed paths with Bill Nye, the Science Guy once. He was at the Chittenden Locks in Ballard (Seattle), just walking and talking with a woman. I walked passed him and then whispered to my mom, "Isn't that Bill Nye?" The people right behind us asked the same thing.

I've also received e-mail from Kevin O'Rourke and Hugh O'Gorman of "Remember WENN."

4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not?

Yes, because I'm vain and attention-hungry. However, I think I'd get annoyed with the lack of privacy. Still, I think there could be a whole lot of perks to living in the limelight.

5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?

I wouldn't want to. For one thing, there's no celebrity that I know enough about to have half a clue what I'd be doing in his/her place. It's confusing enough just being me.

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