Today, I installed computer hardware for the first time in my life.

I'd never even taken a computer apart before two weeks ago...thank you new job with lousy computers. Today, I got my new computer, but it only had one CD drive. The nice folks in IT said it was fine if I wanted to rip one of the CD drives out of my old computer. I got everything installed, turned it on and....nothing. The computer didn't recognize the drives. Okay. Power down, rearrange some stuff and...nope.

The lesson learned: when something doesn't work, first check that your cable is firmly plugged in to the motherboard. You might save a whole lot of time.

On another note today, I finally got my own digital camera. I decided to copy Jenny and get one of those tiny Minoltas, 'cause Fry's had some leftover ones for $200. I picked a teeny tiny one so I'll never have those "Darn, I wish I had my camera with me" moments again. I'm charging the battery now, so hopefully it will prove to be a good investment.

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