Not you, personally, of course. But you must check out these urban asshole notification cards from Glarkware. You can hand them out to people who double park, bring too many items to the express lane, talk too loudly on their cell phones, and so on. I love Glarkware for their cheeky humour (I have a Goth union: Individuality through conformity shirt from them). It's worth a browse.

Also from Glarkware, for my alien friends: America is Scary

Continue reading "Congratulations! You're an asshole...."

MySpace will be the death of us all....

Okay, that was a rather melodramatic headline, but it got your attention. So Jenny said something to me today and again mentioned MySpace, which (while I know what it is) I haven't actually looked at before. I wanted to take a gander at Jenny's page, but I had to sign up first. So now I have a page at both MySpace and Friendster, which is redundant, if you ask me.

Why are these things so popular? For me, Friendster was a way to see what my friends from high school were up to. I was actually able to reconnect with a few people. After awhile, I gave it up. Now it seems people are migrating to MySpace, and a lot of people seem to treat it as an online dating service. Personally, I'd be a little worried about folks I meet online. I'm sure that most of the folks out there are good people, but you have to beware that 5% that likes to ruin it for everyone else.

Continue reading "MySpace will be the death of us all...."