Not you, personally, of course. But you must check out these urban asshole notification cards from Glarkware. You can hand them out to people who double park, bring too many items to the express lane, talk too loudly on their cell phones, and so on. I love Glarkware for their cheeky humour (I have a Goth union: Individuality through conformity shirt from them). It's worth a browse.

Also from Glarkware, for my alien friends: America is Scary

1 comment:

Linda said...

Neena, you ever seen 1776? There's one scene where Stephen Hopkins shows everyone the new calling cards he's had printed. I don't remember all the lines, but it's something like "You are beyond any doubt a scoundrel, and a lying, cheating son of a bitch" and then he adds "And then you sign your name!" Ben Franklin responds, "I'll take a dozen!"