Please read Khristine's blog (or Xanga, or whatever you call it). The girl is on a rampage through Europe, and it's hilarious.

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So, I went to the library today and saw Michael Moore's Dude, Where's My Country? I'm about three chapters in, and it is interesting. Perhaps the funniest part so far is Moore's rundown of the "Coalition of the Willing" aka the countries who actually went along with W's unthought-out plans of war, although in most cases, the citizens of said countries disagreed. Here are some highlights of the list:

"Afghanistan? What exactly was their contribution going to be? Horses? Ten sticks and a stone?"

"[W]hile Morocco also was short on military assistance, they did offer to send 2,000 monkeys to help detonate land mines in Iraq. But they didn't and, if you don't cough up the monkeys, you don't get to reap the benefits of being a member of the Coalition of the Willing."

You'll also learn about the nation of Palau, which you've probably never heard of. Of course, I haven't seen "Fahrenheit 9/11" yet, although I hear it contains much of the same information as the book.

On another politic-ish note, have you ever watched that Bill O'Reilly guy (I think he's on Fox News Channel). That man annoys the hell out of me. I happened to see the other day when O'Reilly pretty much would not let one of his guests speak because the guest had a differing viewpoint than O'Reilly. What's the point of having guests, then? So they can just sit there and look pissed off? And O'Reilly kept chanting "This is a no-spin zone," which really means "no spin except in the O'Reilly approved direction." How about a "no catchphrase zone" instead?

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