It's just another manic Monday. Well, not really. I woke up this morning to the sound of a vaccuum at about 8:30 or 9, which is not much earlier than I usually get up (considering most days I don't work until 3 or 4 pm). I tried shopping for jeans today, as somehow most of my pants are now too big. I'd just like to say I hate the current style. Super-low jeans are not for me, and they're always too big at the waist (or as close to a waist as they get). And why is it that the pockets on women's pants are either nonexistent or just useless? I always envy how guys manage with just stuffing everything they need for the day in their pockets, while I lug around a five pound purse. I wonder if guys jeans would even fit me? Or maybe more expensive ones would fit better? I doubt it, but that's going to be my theory as to why Kirk's jeans often cost more than entire outfits of mine. I'll head to Macy's tomorrow to test said theory. I just want some pants that fit. Is that really too much to ask?
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