The consumer electronics blues
Christmas is coming, so it's time to go cross-eyed from staring relentlessly at for answers. Actually, buying for others wasn't bad, but I drove myself batty researching mp3 players. And today, after watching two-thirds of Superman II, my DVD player revealed its true nature as a piece of junk. I didn't expect much for $36, but the skipping kept getting worse as the movie went on. I finally took the disc out to make sure it wasn't defective. It was fine, so I stuck it back in. Then, I could not get the chapter select function to take me back to where I was in the movie. The player kept freezing. And with that, I boxed it up and found my receipt. Back to WalMart it will go in the morning. But now I have to find another one. It looks like all the small DVD players are mediocre at best. *sigh*
In other news, life is boring enough for me to be borderline obsessive about my two favorite tv shows. The first is Veronica Mars, which is on winter hiatus until mid-January. I bought the first season DVD set a couple months ago when I was home sick, and watched half the season in two days. For more, you must check out No site has more snark per square inch. My newest addition to the "must watch" schedule is Crossing Jordan. I'd never seen more than a couple of eps prior to A&E's Thanksgiving marathon, but now I'm hooked, which means I'm up til midnight Monday - Thursday watching it in syndication on A&E. And I'll admit it....I've been known to tune out on episodes without Jerry O'Connell. Yep, I'm a schmuck. But do you remember Sliders?
Test entry from a Treo 650
So I've decided to try this mobile blogging thing, but typing is a little slow for me with long nails. Admittedly, I can't type on laptops very well, either. Treo typing tips appreciated!
Continue reading "Test entry from a Treo 650"You know you're from the Bay Area when....
I found this list at Here are some of my favorite excerpts:
You bought stock in Starbucks just for the free chocolate-covered coffee beans.
Almost all of the companies featured on your resume are no longer in business.
You make $120,000 a year, yet still can't find a place to live.
Your commute time is 45 minutes and you live 8 miles away.
You live an hour or more from the office so that you can afford a larger house.
You know vast differences difference between Thai, Vietnemese, Chinese, Japanese, Cantonese, and Korean food.
You think that "I'm going to Fry's" is an acceptable excuse to leave the office for a while, and your boss does too. (I have actually witnessed this one)
You know that 280 North goes west and that 680 North goes east.
You know where Woz Way, Resistor Avenue, and Floppy Drive are located. (Yep, I used to work on Woz Way, but where is Floppy Drive? The only one I've been able to find so far is in South Carolina.)