Two weeks to Halloween; then the madnesss will be over. Work is sooooo crazy this time of year. Then again, it's never boring. Apparently now the upper management has decided that having employees wear costumes is good for business. At Sarah's behest, I donned the Snow White costume to go with her Cinderella outfit. While I've never seen myself as Snow White, it was an okay ensemble. (And strangely enough, Kirk has been pushing for me to get a different Snow White costume--one with a much shorter skirt that, obviously, we don't sell.) I'm not sure what costume I'll pick tomorrow, but I think I need to bring different shoes. Black Vans and long dresses really don't go that well...I think jazz shoes would be better.

Well, it's off to finish making my batch of fudge. I've yet to ever get fudge to turn out properly, so wish me luck.

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