Thursday Threesome (on Friday, just to keep you guessing)
Onesome: Ain't- There's a lot of slang floating around out there. Some of it has even found its way into the dictionary. Is there any one word that you find more annoying than others? That you just wish would fall off the face of the planet, never to be heard again?
I can't really think of one super-annoying term right now. Of course, I'm a valley girl and commonly overuse words such as "like," "y'know," and "dude."
Twosome: It- It's/Its, they're/their/there. Just a few of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. So the question is, when you blog, do you worry about grammar, punctuation and spelling? If you notice a typo do you go back and edit? Or do you shrug it off because everyone makes typos?
I wish everyone would not make typos. I try to use proper spelling and grammar. I'll fix it in email and in the blog, but I tend to leave errors in chat and IM simply because I don't notice the errors until after I've pressed return.
Threesome: Purty?- Purty/pretty, crick/creek, warsh/wash. All common pronunciations, whether they sound pretty or not. And one is mispronounced. What's one commonly mispronounced word that just drives you nuts?
Nuclear. All too often I hear people say nu-kew-lur. I can't stand it. Say it with me now: nu-klee-ar. The word "poosey" also bugs me, but that's because my boyfriend and his best friend say it all the time and laugh hysterically.
My goodness, I've gotten lazy. I just haven't felt like writing of late, so now, let me update you.
First of all, I can't go to Santa Barbara for Elysia's senior recital this weekend. That really sucks, 'cause I know it's going to be a great recital. But because one friend flaked and I didn't tell the other about the recital soon enough (and a whole bunch of other things) I can't go. But Khristine and I sent flowers, so that makes it a little better.
More bad news. Apparently not all California drivers know that when there are two left turn lanes at an intersection, they both turn left. Because of this, someone squished my mom's car. Don't worry, she's all right, and even the car didn't look as bad as I expected. Still, it's very annoying and a very stupid reason for an accident. At least our insurance provides a rental while mom's Corolla is being repaired.
Now for some good news. After weeks of house hunting with Adam, Brad, and Sou (and David, too, but he doesn't join us as often), they've found a house. (I'm so tempted to say "we," even though I'm not actually living there.) They're moving in this Sunday, so it should be exciting, especially since Sou and I both have to work that afternoon because it's the once-a-year inventory.
And on Monday I start my internship at a real live radio station. So I'll now feel like I'm working 40 hours a week, but my weekly paycheck will only average out to $3.50/hr (it's an unpaid internship). So we'll see how that works out.
Best radio jingle ever...
"Channel 104.9, the new music alternative, spending our nights killing the zombies that roam freely through Sunnyvale." - KCNL Sunnyvale, CA (Gotta love the Buffy reference.)
It's Wednesday, and thus time for....
Things I need to share with you from yesterday's radio show:
-There's a cat in London with more money than you and me put together. A lady left her cat a half-million dollar home and a $160,000 trust fund. That cat is living in style!
-From the San Jose Mercury News: Who knew McDonald's was so dangerous? A kid got his head stuck between the legs of a statue of Ronald McDonald. Employees had to coat the child's head with soap to get him loose. And by the way, the dad blames McDonalds, not himself for not watching his four-year-old.
-Can't wait to get your hands on Harry Potter, Book Five? Well, England's Sun Newspaper reports that stolen copies of the book were found in a field in Eastern England. But aren't you suprised the books were found in a field and not on eBay?
-Most everyone has visited Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Well, Fred Rogers now lives on as an asteroid somewhere between Mars and Jupiter. In honor of his work with children, the International Astronomical Union has named an asteroid Misterrogers. Just think, if that asteroid ever comes hurtling towards Earth, it's correct to say, "Mister Rogers is coming...we're all gonna die."
Flashback! I decided to archive the whopping two posts from my old "" journal:
June 5, 2002
In the beginning...
Just to introduce myself to you, my unseen public, I'm 22 and just about to finish college. You know, at the end of high school, everyone asked, "what do you want to do?" I said, "I don't know." Four years later...I still have no idea. Really, the end of the school lifestyle is a bit scary. 20 years of school, but now what? I'll just take the Scarlett O'Hara approach: I'll think about it tomorrow.
What else do you want to know? I have a boyfriend, Jeff, whom I've seen but three times in the last three weeks. Long distance? No, not really. Just the mess that is the end of the school year. However, I haven't dealt well with his sudden unavailability. Last Friday, I thought it was all over. I wanted to go salsa dancing, as there was a free event at school. You can't go wrong with free. But no, he couldn't spare three hours of his life to do that. He had to finish all his papers by Sunday morning, even though they weren't due til Monday 'cause he wanted to start moving out on Monday. Still, I only asked for three hours. I'm sure he lost much more time than that just messing around doing everything but writing his papers. So I called him and swore horribly at him (I rarely rarely swear). He had nothing to say. We hung up. I thought that was the end. But the next day, he calls. It's like nothing happened. I don't get it. Nothing fazes him. Ever.
I try to be reasonable. I think I succeed most of the time. Still, he makes me soooo upset at times. Not that I get mad at him. I just get disappointed. He really just doesn't get it. Now, don't go thinking poorly of him--it may be that I'm just not making things clear enough, but there are days where I laugh hysterically and think he just doesn't get it at all.
Men are from Earth and Women are, too!
Everyone really needs to read this book Gendered Lives by Julia T. Wood. It's a textbook, but it's the most fascinating textbook ever. It's all about socializations of gender and how people act and react. If you ever say "I don't understand women and/or men," you must read it. No, the world won't magically start to make sense, but you'll have a lot more insight to people's behavior.
For example, whenever I complain of a problem, my dear boyfriend [if you're trying to play along at home, that would refer to Jeff] lists 20,000 possible (but rediculous and highly improbable) solutions. It makes no sense and annoys me horribly. However, I learned that masculine persons figure the best way to help someone with a problem is to simply solve it. Feminine persons, however, often seek or offer support. The reason all the rediculous suggestions annoy me is that I'd really just rather receive a little positive support and comfort.
What other tidbits can I offer? If you talk to a woman, she will usually nod, smile, or make some verbal acknowledgment (yeah, mmm hmm, etc.) to show that she's listening. Of course, she may not really be listening...women are just socialized to be responsive. Men, on the other hand, are not. So just because he doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean he's not listening. It doesn't mean he is, but it doesn't mean he isn't.
Busy day yesterday. We went to look at Adam, Brad, and Sou's potential house. It's a little old for my taste (the kitchen and bathrooms could use a little remodeling), but the others like it, and they're the ones that are going to live there.
After meeting with the gregarious landlord, we went to watch the boys play (alto sax and trumpet, respectively) at the first show of the season. It was very dark and cloudy, but there was a decent crowd. Unfortunately, they weren't crowding around the stage. At any rate, it was nice to see what the bands had been up to in the off-season.
The one weird thing is that I did have to see Jeff (aka "The Ex"). I didn't work up enough nerve to actually speak to him, but I watched him sing with his band. Let me tell you, that evoked an interesting barrage of emotions. I was also rather alarmed to see that after breaking his leg in January, he's still walking with a cane. Maybe I should've been a better person and called him a few months ago, but I didn't think he'd speak to me, anyway. What a difference from a year ago.
After the show it was nice (albeit unusual) to not have to pack up the equipment. Sou and I just packed up the spiffy folding chair and let everyone else do the real work. It was also nice to not have to mix for House Band, but the whole time I was thinking it would've sounded a lot better if I had. I mean, for the first half a song, we only heard one vocalist because two of the mics were off. I then ran over to the sound board and hit the mute buttons on the two channels that were off. I wonder just how long it would've taken the sound guy to realize the problem if I hadn't done anything.
1. Name one song you hate to admit you like.
Abba's "Dancing Queen." People always look at me funny when I say I grew up on Abba.
2. Name two songs that always make you cry.
Well, songs don't really make me cry, but here are some sad ones: Selena - "Dreaming of You" and Josie and the Pussycats - "You Don't See Me."
3. Name three songs that turn you on.
Well, well. Getting a little personal. Turn me on to what, eh?
4. Name four songs that always make you feel good.
No Doubt - "Spiderwebs." Save Ferris - "Come On Eileen." Dance Hall Crashers - "Lost Again." Cyndi Lauper - "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun."
5. Name five songs you couldn't ever do without.
Save Ferris - "Mistaken." Mariah Carey - "Love Takes Time" (my first talent show song). "Seasons of Love" from RENT (I got a lot of performance mileage out of that one). "Joy to the World" (gospel rendition, not Handel). I'm sure there's more, I just can't think of something right now.
Asking me to name song-related stuff is dangerous business. My tastes still change fairly often.
I know I didn't post yesterday, so pretend it's Wednesday, and thus time for....
Things I need to share with you from yesterday's radio show:
-It rains a lot in Seattle. Well, the sun is such a big thing there that Seattleites welcome it with a parade. The summer solstice parade features the usual things: floats, dancers, and naked people on bicycles. Now a man is suing the Seattle PD to protect his right to bicycle naked in the parade. There's a guy who doesn't want to lose a single moment of precious tanning time.
-The show that made teens across America sound like they’re from the valley is almost over. The first of the three final episodes of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" airs tonight at 8 on UPN. But don't wig; there’ll be more Buffy DVDs out in June.
-Jack Osbourne is apparently in rehab in Southern California, but no one seems to know what for. He's only much rehab can he need?
-Got some metalhead friends? If you know someone who's a member of the Metallica fan club, you can enter to win tickets to one of four free shows at the Fillmore next month.
Read this article. Now please tell me you are as disgusted as I am.
This high school's first integrated prom was held in 2002?!?! I mean, I didn't just jump 30 years back in time or something, did I? And now in 2003 these kids want a white-only prom? That is so outrageous that I lack the words to express myself. I can't believe that there are such narrow-minded people. This is why I really hate the human race sometimes.